John Legend Admits He's No Longer Tight With Kanye West


Kanye West and John Legend used to be close friends and collaborators.  In an interview with  The UK Sunday Times, Legend explained why they are no longer tight and probably won't be collaborating in the future.

In doing so, Legend wanted to make clear that it isn't politics that drove them apart: Kanye is a big fan of President Trump and Legend certainly is not

"I don’t think we’re less friends because of the Trump thing. He's up in Wyoming. I'm here in L.A.. We've both got growing families and I no longer have a formal business relationship with him as an artist, so I think it's just part of the natural cycle of life," Legend said.

“Our interaction was almost always about creativity and music,” he continued. “He’s also in a different place musically. He’s doing gospel music. That’s what he’s focused on right now, designing his clothes, so we’re in different places.”

When Legend called Kanye out for supporting Trump a couple of years back, Ye acknowledged their disagreement and reacted cordially.