Jerry Heller Fingers Suge Knight In Deaths Of Tupac & Eazy-E

by HHL Editors

Tupac's death has always been a mystery, and Eazy E's AIDS demise has triggered quite a few conspiracy theories.

In an interview with SMASHD, ex-N.W.A. manager Jerry Heller weighed in on both, claiming Knight put a hit on Pac and probably had something to do with E catching HIV.

"Unquestionably put the hit on [Pac]", Heller said in the interview.  "Pulled Tupac in front of him, that’s how he got the glass in his head. You don’t think the cops could have solved this if they wanted to? I think Suge got what he deserved. Looks to me like he’s in jail for at least the foreseeable future."
Heller also added weight to Ruthless rapper Frost's theory that Suge got to Eazy-E through poisoned acupuncture needles:

"At the end [in 1995], he did go for acupuncture," Heller explains. "One of his assistants, she took him to a Korean acupuncturist in Burbank—I don’t know for sure, but I think so. My doctor in Beverly Hills—I had gone to him for 30 years—he examined Eazy, and Eazy was not HIV positive in July of 1994. So, that sort of makes sense to me. It doesn’t always show up when the doctor does the test. I’ve heard of that happening."
For good measure, Heller  said he believes Knight was also involved in Biggie's death.

"It doesn’t make any sense, right," Heller said about E getting AIDS. "But I know Suge had something to do with it, just like he had to do with Tupac, and just like he did with Biggie. Because that’s the kind of snake he is."
Hip Hop villain Heller certainly wants the world to know who Hip Hop's biggest villain is.