Janet "Aunt Viv" Hubert Sends Message To Will Smith From the Hospital


Janet Hubert, who was the first Aunt Viv on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, feuded with Will Smith for years after she believed he pushed her off the show.

They recently made up.

Hubert is in the hospital for undisclosed reasons.

She sent a message to Will from her hospital bed.

“Don’t waste precious time people in anger. Yes people will do you wrong and you must fight for truth no matter how long, and IF you can get the TRUTH you seek…find love again as we have," she typed und a photo from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reunion. "Life is too short as I am in hospital as I write this to all of you. Holding onto anger will eat you alive. But truth at any cost Reputation is PRICELESS. I LOVE YOU WILL, for being strong enough to tell truth and share your hurts and trauma. Now we close the doors and live our lives. PEACE OUT!"