Was Jamie Foxx's National Anthem Horrible?

by HHL Editors

The Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao fight last night was not exactly the most compelling example of the sport. But the national anthem that preceded it was ... interesting.

Some said Jamie Foxx's rendition of the 'Star-Spangled Banner' was off-key. Others went with "horrible." We don't get too judgmental about these things, since he did a much better job than we could. Check out Foxx flexing his vocals and see some of the reaction below.

im sorry but jamie foxx's singing was horrible. He made it sound like a parody and what's with the hallelujah at the end?

— the cure (@dancelittIeliar) May 3, 2015
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Let's all just erase tonight's Jamie Foxx appearance from our collective memory — Michell. (@MichellCClark) May 3, 2015
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Jamie Foxx killed the national anthem. And by killed it I mean it was like road kill. #PacWins

— Dustin Belt (@dbeltwrites) May 3, 2015
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Before the fight starts...can we make it a law that you aren't allowed to remix the National Anthem #JamieFoxx

— laura trout (@Ltrout07) May 3, 2015
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What song is Jamie Foxx singing?

— Sean Gentille (@seangentille) May 3, 2015
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Jamie Foxx's national anthem had more twists and turns than the fight. #MayPac — Funny Tweets™ (@Lmao) May 3, 2015
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Jamie Foxx forgot to bring his Auto Tune

— Michael Lee (@MrMichaelLee) May 3, 2015
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Jamie Foxx making me feel good about my shower singing

— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) May 3, 2015
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Here's a photos of Jake Gyllenhaal cracking up as Foxx sang. (Granted, he could have been laughing at Donald Trump's hair.)

How do you think Foxx did?