Hurricane Chris Goes Off On Joe Budden For Diss

by Daryl Nelson

Hurricane Chris stopped by Math Hoffa's My Expert Opinion podcast and called out Joe Budden, who had some disparaging words for him last year over people remixing his "A Bay Bay" song.

“He hopped on there, talking about, ‘This Hurricane Chris cat, you know, ain’t nobody worried about him like that.' Then why you got my name in your mouth? Why you talking about me then?" asked Chris, who just beat a murder charge. "My name in your mouth. Your name ain’t in my mouth. I don’t care about you. I ain’t got nothing to say about you. I’m minding my business, you dig?”

Chris then suggested that Joe depressed him with his words.
“What you do when that person you insult feel so depressed that they go hurt they self because of some sh*t you said on the Internet, and your network was going to give you some money for it? Yous a busta, homey.”

Any reaction?