One Of The Agents Investigating Diddy Gives Insight Into Why His Homes Were Raided

by Daryl Nelson

Shortly after Homeland Security raided Diddy's homes, it was revealed that he was being investigated for sex trafficking.

A Miami-based Homeland Security officer, who has inside information on the investigation, spoke to the New York Post about it and said Diddy's alleged victims have been speaking to the feds in droves.

"We believe that there is a disturbing history of sex trafficking," said the officer. "We are responding to concrete, detailed, explicit allegations. This is not random. We didn’t choose his name out of a hat. We had allegations that we’re following up on."

"We became aware of certain allegations during the course of the civil suits against Mr. Combs," he added. "You have to understand that we didn’t just decide on a whim to search his homes. A federal judge had to sign off. This isn’t a witch hunt."

The officer continued by saying agents were looking for emails, photos, texts, and itineraries based on "specific communications".

What do you think Diddy's chances are of walking away unscathed by all of this?