Gucci Mane Explains How He Released So Many Mixtapes While In Prison

by HHL Editors

Gucci Mane didn't just get sober when he was in prison.

He also released nearly 30 mixtapes during the nearly two years he was behind bars.

In his interview with ESPN's His & Hers, Gucci explained how and why he was so prolific while locked up.

"Basically, while I was I away I came up with a strategy. I wanted to have a presence even though I wasn't there. So I went to my team and said 'every song that I record. Everything that's on my computer, that's on my hard drive we're going to release it,'" Gucci explained. "It was a way to make money and at the same time keep my name going when I was away."
What do you think of the strategy? Do you think he was able to "keep his name going" without diluting his product?