Future Comments On Influencing Juice WRLD To Do Drugs In Light Of Juice ODing


According to Juice WRLD, it was Future's music that started him sipping lean.  He told Future this when he recorded the joint tape Future & Juice WRLD Present...WRLD on Drugs.

"In the studio, Juice told Future his music had inspired him to experiment with lean as a teen, a revelation that disturbed the elder rapper," Billboard reported last year, before Juice's Overdose death.  "'Oh, yeah. I think I broke his heart a little bit.'"

In a new interview with XXL, Future addressed that sad connection he has to Juice.

"It was so many people that came before me that talked about drugs from rock 'n' roll stars to pop stars to people aware of other artists going to rehabs and aware of other artists’ overdose and there is so many other people that was a part of this world way before me," he said. "It’s just like, I probably shedded more light on it and brought more attention to it from my cadence or my charisma ... Me having an influence on that, I just feel like ... that is not my intentions. My intention was just to be me ... I wouldn’t want no one to go through anything to harm theyself or to bring death to theyself and Juice WRLD is a touchy situation. I’m heartbroken by the whole thing. My heart goes out to his family, his mom."

On December 8, Juice WRLD overdosed of oxycodone and codeine shortly after the authorities raided his private plane and found drugs and guns.