Eminem Does Have An Album Coming & It's Even Sooner Than His Stans Thought


Eminem sparked speculation on Curtain Call 2 after he dropped all sorts of hints during the release of "From The D 2 The LBC", his new track with Snoop Dogg.

The Stans did some math and figured Shady's second greatest hits package would come on August 20.

According to HitsDailyDouble, it will come sooner than that: August 5.

The follow-up to 2005's Curtain Call will feature his music from 2009's Relapse until now, including side projects and soundtrack songs.

The two "new" songs on the album will be "From The D 2 The LBC" and "The King And I" from the Elvis soundtrack.

Hype, have you heard it all before, or do you just not care?