Drake Gives Us "God's Plan" Video

by Alox

Drake calls it the most important thing he has ever done in his career, and here it is. God's Plan.

Opening by saying, "The budget for this video was $996,631.90"... "We gave it all away. Don't tell the label"; the video is bound to make you feel.

Drake has been making headlines throughout the last few weeks as he visited various places across Miami — youth centers, schools, deli's, and even walkways to gift random people and students with donations. A few clips were shot at Miami High School where Drizzy had made a surprise appearance out of nowhere.

The Toronto superstar finally has debuted the long-awaited music video for his single "God's Plan" which spent its third week at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart this week.

Watch the generous, and beautiful Director-X video below!