Doja Cat's Brother Knocked Her Teeth Out, Says Doja's Mom

by Daryl Nelson

Usually, when Doja Cat makes headlines it's for her strange social media antics.

This time, though, she's in the news for a temporary restraining order against her 30-year-old brother, Raman Dalithando Dlamini.

Doja's mom, Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, filed the order and said that Raman, once knocked out Doja's teeth, had given her cuts and bruises, and destroyed and stolen some of her property. 

"[Raman speaks to his sister] in a very degrading and demeaning manner [and makes her feel] unsafe and traumatized," it says in the filing.

Plus, Deborah says that she, too, was physically abused by her son, the last time being earlier this month.

She's been granted a temporary restraining order.

It doesn't apply to Doja, who must file her own.