DMX Helped Action Bronson's Wife In Child Birth


DMX was many things to many people.

He was a midwife to Action Bronson.

During a stop on the Joe Rogan podcast, Bronson explained how X aided in the difficult 17 hour birth of his son.

Bronson's wife went into labor in Peru, and during the long ordeal, they played flute music.   Finally, Bronson put on  "Ruff Ryder Anthem", and soon after his boy made his first appearance

“”Stop, drop… that motherf*cker jumped out of her. I swear on everything! It’s on camera! It’s on film! As soon as the Peruvian flute music stopped and DMX came on, he f*ckin’ heard the dog and… just jumped out. It hurts my f*ckin’ heart that I was never able to tell him that.”

Action added he wished he could have told X about this before he passed.