Did Diddy Punch Drake In The Face Last Night?

by HHL Editors

There are so many rumors flying that Diddy and Drake had some sort of serious altercation last night at a Miami club that we can no longer ignore them.

Most of them stem from an article MediaTakeOut published this morning, alleging that a drunk Drake kept hitting on Diddy's girl Cassie at DJ Khaled's birthday party. Diddy politely asked him to stop. When he didn't, Diddy socked him in the face. According to the report:

And it was a THUNDEROUS BLOW. We're told that Drake was WOBBLY on his feet . . . and would have fell out if his homies ain't hold him up. One eyewitness told MediaTakeOut.com, "It actually looked like Drake was dancing to a YOUNG THUG song lol."
MediaTakeOut says the story has been confirmed by multiple sources. There are also sources from both camps denying anything took place.

But now the New York Daily News has also confirmed Diddy slugged Drake.

Drake definitely got the s--t kicked out of him," says Bullet magazine editor Ray LeMoine who'd stopped by the club earlier, only to get a flurry of texts a short time later from friends who'd stayed behind. "I heard they were taking him to the hospital."
So it's starting to look like this really happened. Stay tuned for the inevitable video.

Update: Here is TMZ's somewhat less dramatic take.