Diddy to Produce an 'Urban' 'South Park' for FX

by A. Mia Logan

Ciroc frontman, Bad Boy mogul and New York City marathon runner Diddy has been asked to produce a South Park-esque show titled, Brightmoor, for the FX network. Diddy is well known for his business savvy and with the success that people of color have had behind and in front of the scenes this year thanks to shows like Fox's Empire and ABC's Scandal, this shouldn't seem all that surprising.

Brightmoor is created and written by  Chip Hall and Chris Powell, with the show centering around the former's hometown of Detroit and the black versions of Kenny, Cartman, Kyle and Stan's misadventures at Brightmoor Elementary School. The duo's writing credits include King of the Hill and Blue Mountain State and most recently Powell made his acting debut on Empire.

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