DDG Shares The Advice JAY-Z Gave Him & Now Everyone will Take the 500K


We thought the 500K vs. dinner with JAY-Z debate was put to rest when Hov himself said to take the cash.

“You got to take the money,” he told Gayle King. “What am I going to say? You got all that in the music for $10.99. That’s a bad deal. I wouldn’t tell you to cut a bad deal. Take the $500,000, go buy some albums and listen to the albums. It’s all there. If you piece it together and really listen to the music for the words, for what it is, it’s all there. Everything that I said was going to happen happened. Everything that I said I wanted to do I’ve done. And there’s the blueprint.”

Nevertheless, Rick Ross, among others, continues to argue for the meal over the money.

DDG never had dinner with JAY, but he did get some advice.  

“I’ve only talked to him a few times. It ain’t like I text him and call him and shit like that, but we’ve had conversations. When I do see him, I try to ask him for a little bit of game, a little bit of advice,” DDG told Hollywood Unlocked. “I asked him at the birthday party, I was like, ‘What advice could you give me as an artist?’ And he gave me like an analogy, he was like, ‘If people go to a Chinese restaurant, they expect Chinese food. So give the people what they came for.'”

Some solid logic.  But you wouldn't pay 500K for advice you could find on a fortune cookie.