CNN Polls The Public On What They Think about Kanye West


The dust is starting to settle on Kanye West's latest round of controversial remarks.

A CNN political poll asked the public about Ye's outburst, which was highlighted by him declaring support for President Trump and suggesting slavery was a "choice."

According to the poll, 17 percent of Americans have heard a "great deal" about Ye's comments. Nineteen percent have heard "a good amount," 36 percent "a little bit," and 25 percent "nothing at all." 

Among African Americans, 40 percent have heard "a great deal" and only 12 percent "nothing at all."

Thirty-nine percent of Americans who have heard Kanye's comments about politics and slavery think he really believes what he is saying. 52 percent think he is seeking publicity, and the rest aren't sure.

Overall, Kanye is viewed favorably by 23 percent of the public and unfavorably by 52 percent.

Forty percent of Trump supporters view Kanye favorably, whereas only 7 percent of those disapproving of the President give Ye the thumbs up.

These numbers suggest West's 2024 presidential campaign is getting off to a bad start.
