Chance The Rapper thinks a Heineken commercial is being deliberately racist for the views and clicks.
The Chicago rapper called out the beer company for the spot on Twitter.
I think some companies are purposely putting out noticably racist ads so they can get more views. And that shit racist/bogus so I guess I shouldn’t help by posting about it. But π I gotta just say tho. The “sometimes lighter is better” Hienekin commercial is terribly racist omg
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) March 26, 2018
Im not saying boucott them or go off im just noticing how often it happens and I think they baiting consumers and tweeters and freelancers and shit. Like I didnt wanna tweet about it so bad ππ but its like how can u not
— Chance The Rapper (@chancetherapper) March 26, 2018
You can check out the commercial below:
Watch this Heineken commercial where a fair-skinned bartender slides a beer past 3 dark-skinned Black folks (2 women 1 man) to a racially ambiguous fair-skinned woman, and when the drink reaches its desired destination, the words “sometimes ligher is better” pops up on the screen
— LEFTπ΄ (@LeftSentThis) March 26, 2018
The tagline "sometimes lighter is better" makes sense since Heineken is advertising its light beer. What Chance is objecting to is the beer sliding past three black people before ending up in the hands of a lighter-skinned ethnically ambiguous woman.
Does that strike you as trollish racism, or is Chance maybe thinking a little too hard?
Heineken seemed to agree with Chance on the racism part (if not the trolling) because they apologized for the spot.
"For decades, Heineken has developed diverse marketing that shows there's more that unites us than divides us," the company told Newsweek. "While we feel the ad is referencing our Heineken Light beer--we missed the mark, are taking the feedback to heart and will use this to influence future campaigns."