Capitol Records Signed An AI-Powered Virtual Rapper

by Benny Franklin

The music industry is an interesting place, and things just got even weirder...

Capitol Records just signed a “robot rapper” named FN Meka, and he is powered by artificial intelligence.

To date, Meka has over 10 million followers on TikTok and more than a billion views on the platform, he also just dropped a track called "Florida Water" that features Gunna.

FN Meka was created by a company called Factory New, a “virtual” record label who were the first to “sign” the robot rapper. 

In an interview last year, they said their AI analyses popular songs from specific genres, and based on that, the technology generates suggestions for the building blocks of new songs such as “lyrical content, chords, melody & tempo.

As of now, FN Meka is an actual human voice performing the vocals, but they are working towards the ability to have a computer come up with and perform its own words.

No word on who the rappers voice is.