Is Cam'ron Trying To Increase The Beef With Jay Z?

by HHL Editors

Right after Funkmaster Flex announced he was helping to bring Dipset back together, he started ranting against Jay Z, who's had his issues with group leader Cam'ron.

Coincidence? We think not.

Now, right as Dipset drops their latest single 'Do Something,' Killa Cam takes an Instagram shot at Hov.

Coincidence? We think not.

Given what a social media savage Cam can be, his Jay slam isn't so bad; he posted a photo of the 45-year old looking dainty in tight pants, boots and an overcoat and then captioned it with a "no homo." Considering Cam's past wardrobe choices, Hov has some material if he wants to fight back.

But instead he just might buy another company or whatever.