Cam'ron Comments On Famous Monica Lewinsky Photo

by HHL Editors

Expect to hear the name Monica Lewinsky again and again this summer as Donald Trump tries to take down Hillary Clinton through her horndog hubby.

But Bill Clinton wasn't the only famous man that the intern with the 90's most famous mouth cuddled up to around the turn of the century.

The above photo of Lewinsky, Cam'ron and Dame Dash was taken at the NYC nightclub Flow back in 2002.

Cam did a reddit AMA today, and he got this question about the infamous image.

How did you, Dame, and Monica Lewinsky end up in the same room?" Reddit user murdahmamurdah asked. "I don't get my dick sucked and tell," Cam shot back.
Alright then.

Do you think Cam'ron and Bubba really are oral Eskimo bros?  Or is Killa Cam just making a crack about an easy target?