Bow Wow Rips Male Groupies


Bow Wow is sick of male groupies ruining his fun at the club.

So he called out these thirstballs in a video posted to the Internet.

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"Men have to be the most grouped out annoying, creatures in the nightclub.  And I tiell the ladies this all the time.  There's gonna be some baddies for sure, that's how it's got to be.  But these dudes though ... Y'all gotta stop thirstballing me at the club.  That sh*t is crazy.  They be pushing the woman out the way to get as close to the dude, to the celebrity, this sh*t gotta stop.  Like last night, one person made it so nasty.  Dude yelling over the music 'Bow Wow come here" ... you n*ggas don't have no proper club etiquette."

Have you ever witnessed any of this behavior?