Boosie Badazz Wonders Why Lil Nas X Can Be Pregnant But Instagram Censors Women


In Boosie Badazz's latest stop on the VladTV couch, the always outspoken social media personality hit at two of his favorite targets at once.

Speaking on Lil Nas X, who pretended he was pregnant to promote his album, Boosie brought up Instagram, the social media platform owned by his opp Mark Zuckerberg[er].

“He’s trolling, but it’s what the world is accepting,” Boosie said of LNX. “They’re accepting it because you’re taking girls’ Instagrams for showing they nipples, but you can let a man be pregnant? You can let a man be pregnant, and it’s cool? With all these young boys watching? You can let a man be pregnant? On social media? But a woman can’t show her nipples or her pussy print? Y’all better wake up. I’m woke.”

Stay woke.