Boosie Badazz Besides Himself As Chuck E. Cheese May Soon Be No More


Chuck E. Cheese, a youth-oriented pizza parlor and an adult-oriented fight club, is facing bankruptcy and Boosie Badazz is concerned.

The pizza chain had been struggling before COVID bent the restaurant industry over.  Now they have almost a billion in debt and $1.9 million payment coming up at the end of the month.  They are trying for a $200 million dollar loan and will likely have to declare Chapter 11 if one isn't secured.  Boosie is taking the news hard.

"I just found out that Chuck E. Cheese going bankrupt. 2020 is f**ked up man. I ain’t never think Chuck E. Cheese would be gone," Boosie lamented. “Chuck E. Cheese, the best pizza in the world? I gotta tell my lil’ girl Chuck E is gone."

Would you be sad to see Chuck E. Cheese go?  Boosie happens to be starting an adult fight club so that could help soften the blow.