Bobby Shmurda Denied Bail Yet Again

by HHL Editors

Bobby Shmurda has tried and tried to get bail.

He's used different lawyers, different bail packages, and different defense strategies. But so far none have worked.

His new attorney Alex Spiro was able to get Shmurda a seventh bail hearing today, in part because he challenged the credibility of the cops who arrested him.

This morning, Judge Abraham Clott denied Shmurda bail for the seventh time, citing "no substantive change" in the case, and adding that he's "satisfied that the case is extraordinarily serious."

Shmurda is court next February on 22. But that's actually to deal with charges stemming from a girlfriend trying to sneak Shmurda a prison shank last year.

We don't have a solid date yet for when the 21-year old will face trial for the drugs and guns charges that had him locked in the first place.