Blueface Explains How Men Make Him Horny


Blueface's maybe-BM recently accused Blue of being bisexual.

"I don't want no fruity loop raising my kid," Rock said.  "Let's talk about what I saw in your search history.  I was going to keep it to myself.   I don't know if you taking dick in the butt.  But I don't know why you watching gay porn.  I'm glad you don't want to be my baby daddy.  I don't no fruity loop raising my kid.  Respectfully.  I apologize, I'm attached to a weirdo."

Now we have Blue on tape admitting he gets horney when men try to fight him.

Blueface say’s he gets horny when Males try to fight him👀


— Baddies:East (@BaddiesOnZeus) December 19, 2023
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"Nobody is untouchable, player.  The difference between me and these n*ggas is when you touch them, they get nervous.  When you touch me, I get horney," Blue said.

What's going on here and do you want it to stop?