Bhad Bhabie Responds To Allegations of Blackfishing After Suspect Video


Like Kim Kardashian and Ariana Grande before her, Bhad Bhabie has been accused of "Blackfishing."

Here's how The Urban Dictionary defines the phenomenon.

 Commonly perpetrated by females of European descent (white) which involves artificial tanning (spray tanning and tanning booths) and using makeup to manipulate facial features in order to appear to have some type of Black African ancestry.

Here's the video that got people going.

Bhad Bhabie responded to the avalanche of social media criticism of her new look on Instagram Live.

“Aww I’m trending," Bhabie typed. "Thank you. Millions of people sick, thousands dying every day and y’all worried about me getting make up done for a photo shoot?”

Should we'all be worried?