Apple To Put Beats Streaming Service On All iPhones

by HHL Editors

When Apple bought Beats Audio for $3 billion earlier this year, we all wondered what they would do with the company. Beats headphones for iPhones seemed like a no-brainer, but that's an awful lot to pay for hardware when you are already a hardware company.

Then there was Beats' streaming music service, which is very much the little brother to Spotify. Well, Apple is about to make that service a lot bigger. According to the Financial Times, Apple will include a Beats Music app in the new iOS update for their products beginning in March of 2015.

This means that every iPhone will have a Beats icon that the user can click to immediately stream music.

Now this won't be free. Beats' streaming service currently goes for $9.99 a month, and iPhone users would have to pay a similar subscription fee before they are able to access Beats' library.

No matter how the price structure is arranged, iPhone owners and users of Apples other products would still be able to download music on iTunes. Beats would just exist as a streaming alternative to that old standard.

It looks like Apple thinks the future is in streaming. What do you think?

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