Amber Rose Cancels Slutwalk After Sluts Turn on Her

by Daryl Nelson

Amber Rose just canceled her annual Slutwalk, because too many people in her life have wronged her. 

"I stopped being friends with about 20 ppl last year," she wrote Tuesday on Instagram. "I’ve had friends steal jewelry and money from me, sleep with my BF’s behind my back, male friends lying and telling people we were sleeping together, alcoholic drug addict friends, abusive friends, toxic personality friends and I even had a friend call Social Services on me twice ( For no f*cking reason)."

"People may not know this but I’m extremely unproblematic," added Rose. "I don’t start fights. I don’t do drugs. I’m as sweet as pie and constantly get walked all over ... F*ck fake friends and their weirdo sh*t. This is also why I’m not having my Slutwalk this year.... Sorry I just have to protect my energy and peace."

Amber is currently having a baby with Def Jam records executive Alexander Edwards and said she needs to focus on family and her team. 

You can read her full message below.