Akon has a different opinion on Tekashi 6ix9ine than most in the culture
He discussed 6ix9ine with Manny Norté, explaining why he's not so quick to judge the notorious government worker.
"With Tekashi I can't really speak on why he would do that, but most likely it's for the obvious reasons. But everyone goes through something in their lives that propels them to do things that they feel is in the best interest of themselves," Akon said
"And I think, you really can't blame him, if what he's saying is the truth. Granted there's the big rule that you never [talk to the police and rat] I get it. But at the end of the day, if it's true, and he said it, then it is what it is. Now, if you feel some kind of way that he said it, that's a personal problem that y'all got to deal with."
Akon went on to say that there are some people in his own life that he doubts would take care of him if the chips were down. So why should he (or 6ix9ine) take care of them, he wondered.
What do you think about Akon's "the truth will set you free" attitude? Especially when the "truth" may literally set 6ix9ine free.