Adam22 Deletes Livestream In Which He's Accused Of Being a "Pedo"


Adam22 didn't like when a guest on his livestream accused him of predatory behavior with an underage girl.

So he deleted from his platform.  But someone else recorded it and here you go.

Adam22 from no jumper gets exposed on his own platform for being a pedo then deleted the live

— melaninsun (@thatgirlperiod) March 15, 2023
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In the clip, Adam22 is accused of being a pedo because he was talking to a 16-year-old girl when he was 21.  

This is a flagrant but popular misuse of the word "pedophile", which is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has lust for a prepubescent child.  

Nevertheless, Adam -- who has been accused of actual pedophilia in the past -- went on the defensive and said he only spoke to her for five minutes.  Then he deleted the conversation.