Ace Hood Brought To Tears After Opening Christmas Gift From His Wife

by Benny Franklin

It was an amazing Christmas for Ace Hood...

Ace was surprised by his wife Shelah Marie, who got him two plaques to mark his achievements as an independent artist, and for his two releases, Trust The Process 1 & Trust The Process 2.

Usually, record labels will purchase them for their artists, but now that Ace is indie, he has to buy his own. 

Fortunate for him, his wife has his back and made it a special Christmas. 

When @acehood was last on a major recording label they were excellent about celebrating wins. Ace has so many plaques in the house from that era. Since Ace went independent, he hasn’t received any plaques for his projects. Ace is too damn talented not to have his flowers while he can smell them.

I got plaques made for his first two releases (Trust The Process 1 & 2) since going independent because in this house we don’t wait on the validation we want — we give it ourselves. I love you @acehood.