50 Cent's Demo For The Game's 'Documentary' Track 'Higher' Found On Hard Drive


50 Cent has long claimed he wrote a good chunk Game's break-out album The Documentary.

Game has pushed back on that.

Many years later, we have new evidence that what Ff said has truth to it.

A hard drive containing 50 rapping on a demo for what would become The Documentary track "Higher" has emerged.

In the track, which you can listen to here, 5o uses the same style and similar words to what Game used on the final version.

50 has said Jimmy Iovine convinced him to give The Game six songs that he intended to put on his Massacre album for Game's Documentary debut.

"They said, 'The kid can rap, but he’s not a great songwriter,'" 50 said. "When Jimmy called for me to do it I was like, 'Alright, cool, I’ll fix it,' and I gave it [to The Game]. I only worked with him for about, I think, four days."

As for why the demo leaked now ... Given Game and his manager Wack 100 are of the any-publicity-is-good-publicity mindset we wouldn't be surprised if they leaked the track in front of his new album Drillmatic.