50 Cent Reveals Where "Get The Strap" Comes From


Social media influencer 50 Cent has brought the phrase "Get The Strap" into the lexicon by signing off all of his Instagram posts with it

In doing so, he's expanded the phrase's meaning from time to get a gun to just about anything.

In an interview with ThisIs50, 50 Cent explained the origin of the phrase.

It was first uttered by 50's Power character Kanan Starks. But 50 didn't come up with the line. It was a creation of the show's creator Courtney Kemp.

"That's was Courtney," he said when asked about who came up with "Get The Strap".

Kemp then deflected some of the credit to 50.

"The point is for me to listen as a writer and learn my character ... He's got to make it live. When he said that, it was funny, it was scary, it was all the things you want."

50 has moved to trademark "Get The Strap." No word on whether Kemp's name will also be on the trademark.