50 Cent Has Sold His Share In Effen

by HHL Editors

50 Cent hasn't been promoting Effen vodka on the gram like he used to.

He also shocked everyone by rocking a bottle of his vodka rival Diddy's Ciroc at a Fourth of July party earlier this month.

There's a reason for all of that.

According to DJ Envy of The Breakfast Club, Fif sold his minority share in Effen for $60 million last month.

When Envy brought this up, Charlamagne questioned whether Fif should have been repping Effen so hard when he was just a minority owner the whole time. Then Envy pointed out the $60 million again.

[Related: 50 Cent surprises people who give negative take of him on camera.]

It's a little strange that Fif hasn't bragged about his new financial windfall yet.

Maybe he's learned a lesson about that type of flexing during all of his recent financial trials and tribulations.