50 Cent Got 350K to Take Off All Of His Clothes and Give Them To a Man


DJ Whoo Kid has been on some wild adventures with 50 Cent over the years.

One of them involved 50 selling a rich European man the clothes off his back and getting more than a fair price.

"He actually bought an outfit from 50 for like 350 thousand", Whoo Kid told Tim Westwood.  "We were in Venice and he was like, I don't want to disrecept you but can I buy your leather outfit.  Man 50 was butt as naked in the boat going back to the hotel.  He wired 350K to 50s account.  We was with [Anna Kournikova]  and she was laughing at 50 because he was in his underwear."

How much would it require for you to sell someone all of the clothes off your back and the rest of your body?