50 Cent notoriously had Slow of Slowbucks's chain snatched during Summer Jam in 2014.
It looks like Slow did a lot worse to Ashanti's sister.
Kenashia "Shia" Douglas celebrated her 31st birthday yesterday with an autobiographical video that showed some brutal photos and videos of domestic abuse that she had recently suffered.
Ashanti was engaged to Slow 2016. However, she scrubbed her social media of all mentions of him over a year ago and stopped wearing her engagement ring.
50 Cent jumped all over Slow for what happened. Juxtaposing a video of Slow's lawyer coming after Fif in the aftermath of the Summar Jam incident with the video of Shia's battered face
"yo what’s wrong wit you boy, hitting that girl like that," he typed.
The rumor is, Slow caught Shia with a member of the A$AP Crew.